Adding an insulated roll up door to loading locks and garages boosts overall efficiency at each opening. Roll up doors with the added benefit of insulation keep interior work spaces comfortable and employees productive throughout the year. In the Janesville WI area, keeping out winter’s wind chill and blowing snow is the No. 1 goal. However, insulation is equally important in the heat and humidity of July and August.

High-efficiency roll up doors like Cornell’s Thermiser ® and Thermiser Max® are energy-conscious year around. Factory- and field-tested, they insure environmental separation on both sides of the door. Each features a full perimeter sealing system plus insulation curtains. The doors combine the versatility of a proven roll up design and the insulating properties of foam. Even with insulation the doors store compactly when open and move effortlessly. Cornell trusts its engineering to the extent it provides a warranty covering each door for 50,000 up/down cycles. In addition, rolling insulated overhead doors are available in galvanized steel, stainless steel and aluminum. They are available with a galvanized or powder coat finish and can be complemented by vinyl graphics.
Built to order, Thermiser Max doors cater to Green Building LEED certification. The design allows them to deliver up to 94% less air penetration compared to standard doors.
The benefits of keeping southern Wisconsin’s unpredictable weather out is measured in energy savings, but more also in staff productivity. Providing surroundings to keep you staff comfortable while cutting energy costs at the same time is a worthwhile goal isn’t it?
Insulated Roll Up Door Advantages
Do you have a lot of traffic coming and going from your facilities? When you’re busy noise is an issue. The larger the distribution facility, the more noise and the more traffic. Vehicle traffic is not only noisy, exhaust fumes reduce air quality inside and outside. Even when the doors remain closed noise and exhaust penetrates standard doors if there’s a lot going on. It would be great to shut out traffic noise and exhaust wouldn’t it? The same technology that seals the rolling doors to protect warm/cold air exchange provides a filtering sounds and fumes.

Benefits of high-efficiency foamed-in-place insulation include:
- Reducing impact of outside noise – edge seals keep outside traffic noise to a minimum. Insulation on each panel makes the overall unit thicker so sound doesn’t easily penetrate. Sound Transmission Class (STC) ratings on these commercial doors are up to 30 for standard doors. With additional options the rating increases to as high as 32. The basis for all testing are standard ASTM E90 criteria.
- Quieter operation – insulated commercial garage doors dampen sounds inside and outside. In facilities with many doors and/or where doors are going up and down frequently, keeping noise to a minimum contributes to staff performance. Noise adds stress and increases worker fatigue.
- ‘Friendly’ environment –regulated interior temperatures benefit people and products. Stable temperatures protect goods and equipment. Keeping the interior of your shop or warehouse within comfortable temperature ranges is especially important with delicate products. And, it’s equally important for your staff’s wellbeing.
Additional Benefits Of Insulated Roll Up Doors
Including built-in insulation is basically for keeping the elements out and temperatures in check. Don’t overlook the non-weather-related benefits of roll up doors. Combine the boost of insulation with well-known benefits of the roll up design and you get additional benefits, including:
- Robust construction – made from heavy-duty galvanized steel, stainless steel and aluminum and equipped with equally heavy-duty hardware rolling warehouse doors withstand the rigors of daily wear. When a company guarantees its doors will go up/down 50,000 times without a problem do you think they’ve built them to last?
- Save overhead space – fold-up doors need space above and on the ceiling for hardware and accessories. Roll up doors do not. When it opens a rolling door goes straight up and coils itself in a compact space. A significant benefit of the straight up configuration is the ability to provide better lighting to the adjacent work area. Overhead lights are not blocked when the door is open as they are with a conventional door.
- Less maintenance – insulation on rolling doors helps to protect components and accessories. Better protection from the elements means fewer repair/maintenance calls. The professionals at Country Door Systems can create a maintenance plan customized to your company’s installations – for one door or a dozen.
- Facility security – metal rolling dock doors are strong because their small panels and hardware are interwoven. Technology that allows them to roll and compress smoothly works to make them very hard to penetrate.
Employ Insulated Rolling Door Technology
Because roll up garage doors are more technically sophisticated than traditional overhead loading dock doors there are additional skills and training associated with installation and repairs. In addition these door styles use different mechanical opening systems to engage each door’s operation. There are several versions available. The demands of your facility dictate which is ideal for you – Country Door Systems is ready to provide advice backed by years of training and experience when it’s time to choose.
In the final analysis adding an insulated version of the versatile roll up door makes sense on many levels:
- Performance
- Efficiency
- Economy
- Durability
Don’t overlook the impact on your company’s ability to make a good impression on customers and prospects. Roll up loading dock doors look sharp, clean and efficient. They make a good first impression. Curb appeal is as important for distribution and maintenance centers as it is in residential neighborhoods. You welome all the features contributing to your bottom line plus good looks that give your business a positive image, don’t you? Country Door Systems fields skilled and factory-trained teams for every commercial door installation. Cornell is one of the elite garage door manufacturers providing training and high-tech solutions throughout southern Wisconsin. Country Door Systems repairs, installs and stands behind the best commercial doors and loading dock/warehouse accessories.
Country Door Systems is just a phone call away – 608-752-9537. We’re ready to inspect, repair or replace any component of your commercial garage door system. Give us a chance to reveal the advantages of an insulated roll up door to your Janesville WI area business.